Research (UPB/ACS)
Improving the security of software systems
In general, system software
In particular, operating systems
Development (VirtualMetrix)
VMXL4, a "provably secure" microkernel/hypervisor
Virtualization for mobile phones
Teaching assistant (UPB/ACS) for the following courses:
Programming Paradigms
Operating System Security
Advanced Operating Systems
seL4 microkernel
Developed by UNSW/NICTA/General Dynamics
Formally verified protection model and implementation
Prototype written in Haskell
Recently GPLed:
Is it deployed in the real world?
Haskell is:
Haskell's type system has the following particularities:
Every Haskell type is
Either a primitive type
Or a sum of types
Or a product of types
3 :: Int
120894192912541294198294982 :: Integer
3.14 :: Float
'a' :: Char
"The cake is a lie" :: String
True :: Bool
is similar to set membership ( ∈ )typedef enum {
Apples = 1,
Pears = 2,
Oranges = 3,
Tomatoes = 4
} fruit_e;
Now we can say:
fruit_e fr = Tomatoes;
typedef enum {
Apples = 1,
Pears = 2,
Oranges = 3,
Tomatoes = 4
} fruit_e;
But we can also say:
fruit_e fr = 5;
data Fruit =
| Pears
| Oranges
| Tomatoes
is the type's name|
is the sum type-level operatorApples
, Pears
, Oranges
, Tomatoes
are possible values
data Fruit =
| Pears
| Oranges
| Tomatoes
> :t Apples
Apples :: Fruit
> 5 :: Fruit
No instance for (Num Fruit) ..
data Fruit =
| Pears
| Oranges
| Tomatoes
is in general similar to union
is the logical equivalent of orPossible approach: use built-in pairs
> :t (,)
(,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
> (,) Pears 2 :: (Fruit, Int)
> (Pears, 2) -- sugar
defines pairs of valuesdata Bucket = MkBucket Fruit Int
is the type's nameMkBucket
is the constructor> :t MkBucket
MkBucket :: Fruit -> Int -> Bucket
is too particulardata Bucket a = MkBucket a Int
data Bucket a = MkBucket
{ bucketObject :: a
, bucketQty :: Int
> let myBucket = MkBucket Apples 10
> bucketQty myBucket
data Bucket a = MkBucket
{ bucketObject :: a
, bucketQty :: Int
s> MkBucket (Pears, Apples) 50
s as lists of Bucket
stype MultiBucket a = [Bucket a]
is similar to C's typedef
MultiBucket a
and [Bucket a]
are the same typetype MultiBucket a = [Bucket a]
Extracting all the Apple
s from a MultiBucket
> let mb = [MkBucket Apples 20,
MkBucket Pears 30]
> head $
filter (\ b -> bucketObject b == Apples ) mb
MkBucket {bucketObject = Apples, bucketQty = 20}
type MultiBucket a = [Bucket a]
What if there are no apples in the MultiBucket?
> let mb = [MkBucket Pears 30]
> head $
filter (\ b -> bucketObject b == Apples ) mb
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
is similar to void
is a 1-tuple that wraps valuesNothing
on failuregetBucket :: Fruit -> MultiBucket Fruit
-> Maybe (Bucket Fruit)
getBucket obj mb = case filter isEqual mb of
[] -> Nothing
(x : _) -> Just x
where isEqual x = bucketObject x == obj
performs pattern matching on values[]
is the empty list; x : list
is a non-empty list> let mb = [MkBucket Pears 30]
> getBucket Apples mb
> getBucket Pears mb
Just (MkBucket
{bucketObject = Pears, bucketQty = 30})
We can make getBucket
getBucket :: Eq a => a -> MultiBucket a
-> Maybe (Bucket a)
Eq a
: constraint imposed on a
due to (==)
> :t (==)
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
tries to automatically implement (==)
for ADTsEq a
is a type class constraintEq a
≡ "all types a
that implement (==)
" data KernelObject
= KOEndpoint Endpoint
| KOAEndpoint AsyncEndpoint
| KOKernelData
| KOUserData
| KOArch ArchKernelObject
data TCB = Thread {
tcbCTable :: CTE,
tcbVTable :: CTE,
tcbReply :: CTE,
tcbCaller :: CTE,
tcbIPCBufferFrame :: CTE,
tcbDomain :: Domain,
tcbState :: ThreadState,
tcbFaultHandler :: CPtr,
tcbIPCBuffer :: VPtr,
tcbContext :: UserContext }
deriving Show
s can have non-sensical values:
> :t MkBucket Apples (-2)
MkBucket Apples (-2) :: Bucket Fruit
Possible approach: smart constructors
newtype Nat1 = Nat1 { fromNat1 :: Int }
is like data
, only
Possible approach: smart constructors
mkNat :: Int -> Nat1
mkNat n = if n < 0
then error "Only positive numbers are permitted"
else Nat1 n
checks for positive numbers at run-timeNat1
Possible approach: Peano naturals
data Nat2 = Z | S Nat2
> :t Z -- 0
Z :: Nat2
> :t S $ S $ S Z -- 3
S $ S $ S Z :: Nat2
Possible approach: Peano naturals
data Nat2 = Z | S Nat2
Possible approach: type-level numbers
data Z
data S n
and S n
are types encoding numbers!Z
and S n
lack constructors> :k Z
Z :: *
> :k S
S :: * -> *
> :k (S (S Z))
(S (S Z)) :: *
class MyClass a where
myMethod :: a -> Int
instance MyClass Int where
myMethod = (+ 1) . fromIntegral
> myMethod (42 :: Int)
First we define cardinalities on type-level naturals
class Card n where
instance Card Z where
instance (Card n) => Card (S n) where
Next, we define a class for bound checking
class (Card n) => InBounds n where
instance InBounds (S Z) where
instance InBounds (S (S Z)) where
instance InBounds (S (S (S Z))) where
Finally, we define a concrete type and a smart constructor
data MaxThree n = MaxThree
deriving Show
maxthree :: InBounds n => n -> MaxThree n
maxthree _ = MaxThree
Some useful auxiliary functions
incr :: Card n => n -> S n
incr = undefined
d0 = undefined :: Z
d1 = incr d0
d2 = incr d1
d3 = incr d2
d4 = incr d3
> maxthree d4
No instance for (InBounds Z) ..
> maxthree d1
We can perform compile-time checks on numbers
However, it's very tedious to do that
We can use dependently typed languages (e.g. Idris) as an alternative
and tail
are unsafe
> let xs = []
> head xs
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
> tail xs
*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list
We can make them safe by encoding non-emptiness in the program logic
data NonEmpty a = a :| [a] -- Data.List.NonEmpty
> let xs = 1 :| [2,3,4]
> -- provably non-empty
> head xs
Generalization using type-level numbers: mono-traversable
cadr :: MinLen (Succ (Succ nat)) [a] -> a
cadr = ML.head . ML.tailML
> let xs = mlcons 3 $ mlcons 2 $ toMinLenZero []
> cadr xs
Generalization using type-level numbers: mono-traversable
-- this fails at compile-time!
> let xs = mlcons 2 $ toMinLenZero []
> cadr xs
Couldn't match type `Zero' with `Succ nat0'
Expected type: MinLen (Succ (Succ nat0)) ..
Actual type: MinLen (Succ Zero) ..